
America Top 20 Universities and Colleges

Saturday, November 7, 2009

In an exclusive TrendTopper Media BuzzTM analysis of the nation’s colleges and universities, the Global Language Monitor ( has ranked the nation’s colleges and universities according their appearance in the global print and electronic media, as well as on the Internet and throughout the Blogosphere.

The Top 20 American Universities are:

1. Harvard University
2. Columbia University
3. Uni of Michigan, Ann Arbor
4. Uni of California, Berkeley
5. Stanford Uni
6. Uni of Chicago
7. Uni of Wisconsin, Madison
8. Yale Uni
9. Princeton Uni
10. Cornell Uni
11 Uni of Pennsylvania
12 Johns Hopkins Uni
13 Duke Uni
14 Boston College
15 New York Uni
16 U of Washington
17 Georgia Institute of Technology
18 U. of California, Santa Barbara
19 MIT
20 U of Illinois

In the University category, Harvard tops the list, followed by Columbia, Michigan, the University of California, Berkeley and Stanford.

The Top 10 American Colleges are:

1. Colorado College
2. Williams College
3. University of Richmond
4. Middlebury College
5. Wellesley College
6. Bucknell University
7 . Amherst College
8. Oberlin College
9. Vassar College
10. Pomona College

In the Liberal Arts College category, Colorado tops the list, followed by Williams, Richmond, Middlebury and Wellesley.

Source: Global Language Monitor 2008


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