
Australian Universities in the ARWU 2008 Ranking

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), produced by the Institute of Higher Education at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, has released its ranking results on 15 August 2008.
Following is the list of Australian universities appeared in the World ranking. ANU is ranked Number ONE in Australia, followed by Melbourne and Sydney.

Academic Ranking of World Universities 2008 (Australian List):

University, Australia Rank, (World Rank)

ANU 1 (59)

Uni of Melbourne 2 (73)

Uni of Sydney 3 (97)

UQ 4 (101-151)

UWA 5 (101-151)

UNSW 6 (152-200)

Macquarie U 7 (201-302)

MONASH 8 (201-302)

Uni of Adelaide 9 (201-302)

Flinders Uni 10 (303-401)

James Cook University 11 (303-401)

Uni.Newcastle 12 (303-401)

Uni.Tasmania 13 (303-401)

Uni.Wollongong 14 (303-401)

Source: Academic Ranking of World Universities


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