
Canadian Universities in QS Ranking 2009

Saturday, November 7, 2009

According to the THE – QS World University Rankings (6th edition) published in Times Higher Education in October 2009, four leading Canadian universities are placed among the top 100 in the world, with McGill University being the No. 1 university in Canada and the only one successfully made it to the top 20 list this year. Some of the best performers in this year's rankings are McGill, Toronto, Alberta, Calgary. Dalhousie University slipped out of the top 200 list.

Ranking Analysis:
- McGill further improved its position as one of the Global Top 20 Universities, up from 20th in 2008 to 18th.
- Toronto made a big jump from 41st last year to 29th globally, ahead of UBC.
- Alberta up 15 places from 74th to 59th globally.
- Waterloo jumped from 129th to 113th.
- Queen's is tied for 117th with McMaster last year, but this year both of them slipped in their position.
- Calgary up 21 places from 170th to 149th (the biggest improvement of all Canadian institutions in the top 200 list).
- UBC dropped six places from 34th to 40th in the league table.
- Université de Montréal has slipped out of the top 100 (In 2008 it was placed 91st).

QS World Rankings 2009 (Canadian institutions):
National Rank, Name, Global Rank
1 McGill University (18)
2 University of Toronto (29)
3 University of British Columbia (40)
4 University of Alberta (59)
5 Université de Montréal (107)
6 University of Waterloo (113)
7 Queen's University (118)
8 McMaster University (143)
9 University of Calgary (149)
10 University of Western Ontario (151)
11 Simon Fraser University (196)

Source: QS Intelligence Unit (


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