
Sunday Times University Ranking 2008

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday Times published its UK University Rankings in September 2008, a total of 120 universities are ranked according to marks scored in nine key performance areas.

Following is the list of Top 40 UK Universities:
1. Cambridge
2. Oxford
3. Imperial
4. LSE
5. St Andrews
6. UCL
7. Warwick
8. Durham
9. York
10. Bath
11. Loughborough
12. Southampton
13. Nottingham
14. Exeter
15. Edinburgh
16. Bristol
17. King’s College London
18. Leicester
19. Sheffield
20. Lancaster
21 Manchester
22 Sussex
23 Newcastle
24= Birmingham
24= Cardiff
26 Leeds
27 University of East Anglia
28 Royal Holloway, London
29 Aston University Birmingham
30 Liverpool
31 Glasgow
32 Reading
33 Soas
34 Aberdeen
35 Surrey
36 Dundee
37 Queen's Belfast
38 Queen Mary, London
39 Essex
40 Keele

Source: Sunday Times


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