
THES Asia Universities Ranking 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Top 200 Asian Universities in 2009 has been released by the Times Higher Education (THE) Quacquarelli Sy­­monds (Qs). University of Hong Kong is ranked Number One in Asia, with The CHINESE University of Hong Kong in second place. A total of three institutions from Hong Kong ranked in the Top 5 regionally.

Japan has 10 universities in the Top 20 list, the highest ranked is University of TOKYO (3rd). The other universities in the Top 10 include KYOTO (5th), OSAKA (6th), TOKYO Institute of Technology (9th).

National University of Singapore (NUS) is ranked in the Top 10 (equal 10th with PEKING University - the highest ranked institution from China). Nanyang Technological University (NTU) is placed 14th in the region, now Singapore has two universities in Asian Top 15.

China also has two institutions made into the Top 15 list - PEKING University (10th) and TSINGHUA University (15th).

Malaysia has five institutions listed in the Top 100 league table. Universiti Malaya (UM) is ranked first in Malaysia and 39th in the region, the other 4 institutions are:

  • Universiti Ke­­bangsaan Malaysia (51st)
  • Universiti Sains Malaysia (69th)
  • Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (82nd)
  • Universiti Putra Malaysia (90th)
The highest ranked university in Thailand is MAHIDOL University (=30th) - equal rank with Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (the highest ranked institute in india).


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