
Top 10 Universities in the US

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Here we will look at some of the prestigious US universities that are consistently ranked among the top 10 in both national and international league tables:

In the US, the top 10 universities as ranked by the US News & World Report's "National Universities Rankings 2009" are as follows:

1 Harvard University
2 Princeton University
3 Yale University
4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
4 Stanford University
6 California Institute of Technology
6 University of Pennsylvania
8 Columbia University
8 Duke University
8 University of Chicago

In the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), the top 10 US institutions in 2008 are:

National Rank, Name, (World Rank)
1 Harvard Univ (1)
2 Stanford Univ (2)
3 Univ California - Berkeley (3)
4 MIT (5)
5 California Inst Tech (6)
6 Columbia Univ (7)
7 Princeton (8)
8 Univ Chicago (9)
9 Yale (11)
10 Cornell Univ (12)

10 Best American institutions in the THES 2008 World Top 200 Universities:

National Rank, Name, (World Rank)
1 Harvard (1)
2 Yale (2)
3 Caltech (5)
4 Uni of Chicago (8)
5 MIT (9)
6 Columbia Univ (10)
7 Univ of Pennsylvania (11)
8 Princeton (12)
=9 Duke (=13)
=9 Johns Hopkins Univ (=13)

* Ranking Analysis:
- Harvard is the Number One university in the nation, ranked 1st in the country in many league tables such as the US News, ARWU, THES-QS, Newsweek, etc.
- MIT is a Top 5 institution, ranked equal 4th nationally by US News, 5th in the world by ARWU, and No. 1 in the world by Webometrics Ranking of World Universities 2009.
- A total of 5 institutions are ranked in the World's top 10 list by both ARWU and THES in 2008: Harvard, Caltech, Chicago, MIT and Columbia.


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