
Top Tier College Rankings 2006-2008

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Princeton University
Top Tier Educational Services produced the rankings of American colleges 2006 - 2008, based on the following criteria:

Assessment by academic peers | Assessment by higher level management | Assessment by Graduate and Professional School Admissions Officer | Assessment of the quality of the student body | Resources and expenditure per student | Faculty : Student ration | Salaries of faculty | number of applications to the university |

The Top 50 are listed below:
1. Yale
2. Princeton
3. Harvard
4. Williams
5. Amherst
6. Stanford
7. Massachusetts Inst. of Technology
8. California Inst. of Technology
9. Columbia
10. Penn
11. Chicago
12. Northwestern
13. Cornell
14. Swarthmore
15. Johns Hopkins
16. Brown
17. UC Berkeley
18. Duke
19. NYU
20. Michigan
21. U of Virginia
22. Wellesley
23. Dartmouth
24. Pomona
25. Smith
26. Univ. of Southern California
27. Barnard
28. UCLA
29. Vasser
30. Wesleyan
31. Carnegie Mellon
32. Emory
33. Bowdoin
34. Rice
35. Notre Dame
36. Cooper Union
37. Harverford
38. Scripps
39. Smith
40. Bryn Mawr
41. Vanderbilt
42. Bates
43. Harvey Mudd
44. Georgetown
45. Middlebury
46. U of North Carolina
47. Tufts
48. Tulane
49. William and Mary
50. U.S. Naval Academy

Source: Top Tier Educational Services

* Yale is ranked first, followed by Princeton and Harvard.


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